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How to Manage a High-Risk Pregnancy

How to Manage a High-Risk Pregnancy

When you embark on a pregnancy, the last thing you want to hear is that there’s some risk right from the start. High-risk pregnancies are more common than you might think, but with some careful management, you can set yourself up for the best possible outcome.

At the Women's Clinic of the Rio Grande Valley, Dr. Fernando Otero and our obstetrics team specialize in high-risk pregnancies, and our goal is the same as yours — to safeguard both your health and the health of your unborn child.

To ensure this as best you can, management of your high-risk pregnancy is paramount, and here are a few steps you can take toward that end.

Get the right team in your corner

Your first step is to get the right team in your corner to oversee your pregnancy. Through our comprehensive prenatal care and vigilant oversight, we closely monitor your pregnancy so we can act quickly should a problem arise.

We also urge you to follow our recommendations to the letter because we tailor a plan for your high-risk pregnancy that’s designed to promote good health and offset the risk.

Manage your health

According to a study conducted by the insurance company Blue Cross Blue Shield, more women in the United States are entering pregnancy with preexisting conditions, such as:

If you have a preexisting condition that can impact your pregnancy, it’s important that we work with your primary healthcare provider or specialist to ensure that these conditions don’t interfere with your health or your baby’s health. 

For example, if you have type 2 diabetes, it’s more important than ever to manage your blood sugar levels. Or, if you have obesity, we need to closely monitor your weight gain during pregnancy. If you have a substance use disorder, it’s critical that you seek treatment under the guidance of a medical professional to prevent harmful withdrawal or addiction issues.

These are just a few examples of the ways you can address your underlying health condition for the safety of you and your unborn baby.

Even if you don’t have an underlying health condition, but you have a risk factor such as advanced maternal age (over 35), there are certain steps you can take toward managing your health through diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes.

Get support

In addition to our care, we also urge you to seek support during your pregnancy. Enlist family and friends to help where they can and join online groups for women in your position. This support can be critical during this stressful time and provide you with guidance and companionship. To get started, you might try this link to a website devoted to women who are navigating high-risk pregnancies. 

If you have more questions about your high-risk pregnancy, our team is available. Simply click here to schedule an appointment at one of our offices in McAllen or Edinburg, Texas.

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