Make Sure to Take Advantage of Your Health Plan's Preventive Care Options

The advantages of preventive health care are almost without limits, which is why most health plans cover routine preventive care, such as your annual well-woman exam. To avail yourself of these annual benefits, you need to schedule your appointment before the year comes to a close.
At the Women's Clinic of the Rio Grande Valley, Dr. Fernando Otero and our team offer a wide range of services that are designed to safeguard your reproductive health. This type of health care starts with your annual well-woman exam, which allows us to monitor your health year after year, so that we can catch any potential problems long before they become more serious.
While this is just one reason why you should take advantage of your health care benefits before year’s end, here are some more.
Helping with life’s transitions
A woman’s health is governed by her reproductive system to a large degree, which is why women benefit from specialized care. Women go through two important transitions in life — puberty and menopause — which mark the entrance into and exit out of your reproductive years, respectively.
While some women weather these transitions with ease, many experience significant and sometimes life-altering side effects. For women in either of these stages, checking in with us for a well-woman exam is important so we can make you more comfortable and answer any questions you may have.
Your reproductive years
During the years between puberty and menopause, your reproductive system is in full swing as your body goes through cycles each month. Annual well-woman exams are important during this time as they allow us to ensure that everything is functioning smoothly and to spot any problems.
For example, if you’re among the many women who experience abnormal or heavy periods, we take a closer look to determine whether there’s something larger at play, such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids.
Family planning
Another great reason to keep up with your annual visits is so we can help you with family planning. If you’re not ready for pregnancy just yet, we can help you find the right birth control option.
Or, perhaps you’re ready to begin building the family of your dreams, at which point we can guide you on how to best prepare your body for this exciting time.
The bottom line is that you have everything to gain from using your health plan’s benefits each year. These benefits are there for a reason — to protect your health — and we’re here to help.
If you’ve not yet used your health plan’s benefits for your preventive well-woman exam, we urge you to schedule an appointment at one of our two offices in McAllen or Edinburg, Texas, before the end of the year.
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