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When a Hysterectomy Might Be Your Best Solution

When a Hysterectomy Might Be Your Best Solution

Each year in the United States, approximately half a million women undergo hysterectomies, and the reasons for these surgeries vary. 

At Women’s Clinic of the Rio Grande ValleyDr. Fernando Otero and our team have helped many women to improve their health through hysterectomies. To give you an idea about when a hysterectomy is a good solution, we want to review some of the more common reasons why women come to us for this procedure.

Improving your health

Having us remove one or more of your reproductive organs is a big decision and one that shouldn't be taken lightly. If the presence of your uterus has become more of a liability than an asset, a hysterectomy may be the best option for improving your health and wellness.

Some examples of when a hysterectomy might be indicated include:

Problematic uterine fibroids

The most common reason why women have hysterectomies is to eliminate problems with uterine fibroids. Many women develop fibroids, and in most cases they pose no problems and shrink after menopause. 

For some women, however, these growths can become large or numerous enough that they pose problems. As well, uterine fibroids can develop in places where they create more symptoms, such as pain.

If we’ve tried more conservative treatments, such as hormone therapies, and your symptoms persist, removing your uterus may be a good option.


Another gynecologic condition that can be remedied with a hysterectomy is endometriosis. This is a condition in which endometrial tissue grows outside your uterus and can affect not only that organ, but other neighboring organs, such as your ovaries and/or fallopian tubes.

Here again, if your endometriosis doesn’t respond to conservative treatments and you’re still struggling with serious quality-of-life issues, such as pain and excessive bleeding, a hysterectomy can solve the problem, once and for all.

Abnormal uterine bleeding or pelvic pain

Ongoing pelvic pain or particularly heavy and uncomfortable periods are two fairly common reasons for women to undergo a hysterectomy. If these issues don’t respond to conservative treatments and we’ve exhausted our options, a hysterectomy may be the best road toward relief.

The conditions we describe above aren’t comprehensive, but they are the most common reasons why women opt for hysterectomies. Other reasons may include severe pelvic organ prolapse or gynecologic cancer.

Is a hysterectomy your best solution?

It’s impossible to answer this question here, as each woman has unique health concerns and goals. The best way to determine whether a hysterectomy is your best solution is to come see us for an evaluation.

Please note that we prefer to leave no stone unturned when it comes to nonsurgical treatment options, if applicable, before we recommend a hysterectomy. If we’ve tried different, less aggressive routes with no success, then we move onto a hysterectomy. 

Of course, if you have a condition that requires immediate action, such as gynecologic cancer, then a hysterectomy is your best and most important ste, and we can act right away.

To determine which options are best for improving your health and wellness, contact one of our offices in McAllen or Edinburg, Texas, to schedule a consultation.

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